Duval County Public Schools

Each week, students will participate in art projects geared around the school theme or seasonal activities.

Mini Musicians Students in Grades 1 and 2 will play orff instruments and sing. (Enrollments, Receipts, Activity) (Enrollments, Receipts) (Enrollments etc.) Extended Day Program Programs

Duval County Public Schools’ Extended Day Enrichment Program provides before and/or after school childcare services at seventy-three school elementary sites and twenty secondary sites throughout Duval County.

Office Hours: 3:00 - 6:00 pm – Monday-Friday Vonkesta M. Abrams, Coordinator (abramsv1@duvalschools.org) Vincent Foster, Principal

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Registration for the Extended Day Program is OPEN!

Please contact your Extended Day Director for contract changes.

Extended Day Program

Duval County Public Schools’ Extended Day Program provides before and/or after school childcare services at seventy-three school elementary sites and twenty secondary sites throughout Duval County. Approximately 10,000 students per day participate in this program. The morning programs generally begin at 7:00 a.m. until the start of the school-day morning bell and the afternoon programs open at school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. The program is available every day school is in session. This is a flat rate, fee-based program.

EDEP is a Before/After School Child Care Program for elementary through high school age children. Supervision is provided at a ratio of 1 adult to 20 children at the Elementary level. Program activities include:

Days of Operation: Based on Duval County Public Schools’ District Calendar

Morning Hours: 7:00 AM until the start of the school-day morning bell.

Afternoon Hours: School-Day Dismissal until 6:00 PM

Please Note: The number of children enrolled at each site is determined by how much physical space is available and the number of staff employed.