Exclusive Distribution Agreement
(Pro-distributor, Short-form) (FL)

This distribution agreement can be used when a manufacturer or supplier appoints a distributor to exclusively sell its products in Florida. This template contains practical guidance, drafting notes, and alternate and optional clauses. This template has been drafted with terms that favor the distributor, and contemplates the agreement will be performed in Florida and governed by Florida law. The document is a short form that contains only the essential terms of the parties' agreement. The template is premised on the distributor's marketing and selling the manufacturer's goods in a designated territory in Florida on an exclusive basis, meaning that the manufacturer may not appoint other distributors or sell its goods directly to customers in the distributor's territory. As the distribution agreement will be a critical part of the parties' businesses, it is essential to properly memorialize the client' rights and obligations, as the failure to do so can have adverse consequences and result in costly litigation. For additional guidance on distribution agreements, see Drafting and Negotiating a Distribution Agreement, Distributor, Reseller, and Dealer Laws (FL), Distribution Agreement Drafting and Negotiation Checklist (FL), Sale of Goods Agreements: Avoiding Common Pitfalls (FL), and Distributor Resource Kit. For a distribution agreement with more detailed terms that favor the distributor, see Distribution Agreement (Pro-Distributor); for a short form agreement without exclusivity, see Distribution Agreement (Pro-distributor, Short-form) (FL).