Bench Warrants: What to Do and How to Handle Them

Bench warrants are a type of court order issued to bring an individual into court. In contrast to an arrest warrant, a bench warrant does not launch a criminal action – rather, it is issued because someone violated court rules, most often by failing to appear before the court as previously ordered.

Understanding Bench Warrants

Typically, judges issue bench warrants to individuals who failed to appear at a previously scheduled court date. Bench warrants do not expire, but remain active until the individual goes into court or the judge clears the warrant.

Here are some typical circumstances under which a judge could order a bench warrant:


Differentiating Warrants

Bench warrants differ from arrest warrants in two key ways:

Generally speaking, the less severe the offense, the more lenient law enforcement can be about executing the bench warrant. However, you could face arrest and jail time while waiting for your court appearance if you have a bench warrant. Courts utilize bench warrants when they feel individuals aren’t taking the court’s rules and orders earnestly. It can indicate how serious the court is about the offense.

Immediate Steps to Take

Do not ignore a bench warrant. Ignoring the bench warrant can result in serious consequences, as the court may perceive your actions as disrespectful.

Instead, be proactive by taking the following steps:

Legal Options and Assistance

It can be intimidating to deal with a bench warrant and its consequences alone. An attorney can be an asset to help navigate the process and the circumstances surrounding the issuance of the bench warrant.

A lawyer can present evidence and request that the court clear the bench warrant for several reasons:

Going to Court

You may need to turn yourself in if there’s a bench warrant out for you. Doing this with an attorney is helpful as they can inform you of the process. They can help you:

A Las Vegas Bench Warrant attorney can help you manage a bench warrant and prevent it from impacting you in the future.

Preventing Future Bench Warrants

A lawyer can also help you avoid facing more bench warrants in the future. Here are some things they might advise:

Contact a Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Bench warrants can be intimidating, and getting them cleared can be confusing. Resolving an outstanding bench warrant is attainable with skilled legal help. Choose the experienced Nevada criminal defense team with De Castroverde Law Group Criminal & Immigration to simplify the process and reduce stress. If there is a bench warrant for you and you need an experienced attorney, contact us today for an initial consultation.